Sunday, January 28, 2007

A Fish Tale

In October we "won" a lovely goldfish at the State Fair, actually, we paid $5 for it. I thought, for sure, that the fish would only live for a couple of weeks, max. Well, a couple of months later, we were still the proud parents of a goldfish named Sparkle. One January day, Mike brought home a fish tank and announced that we were giving "Goldie" (he never could actually call the fish Sparkle) a real home with friends. We went down to PetCo to pick out our new fish and were now proud parents of 4 Goldfish. Pretty soon, we noticed the goldfish spending most of their days on the bottom of the fish tank. I was pretty sure that was not a good sign. Mike insisted that they were resting and it was normal. Well, sure enough the fish started dying left and right, but our original "Goldie" was the lone survivor. We chalked it up to his "West Side" upbringing and thought he was just a tough guy. We added new fish and they started dying too. We finally lost our "Goldie' and realized that it was the result of bad parenting. I was ready to move on and get back to life free from pets, when Mike bought a brand new fish tank and new we go again. After a few more weeks of trial and error (sadly 9 fish had been flushed away) we finally have mastered the art of taking care of fish and now feel we can call ourselves experts on the matter. Here is proof that we have happy healthy fish as pets. Click on the picture to enlarge it. We have four fish. A Catfish to clean the bottom of the rocks, and three Molly's. One black, white and gold.

1 comment:

Lisa said...

i love it when others experience the misery--i mean joy--of owning pets!!