Monday, March 27, 2006

Have a Nice Lunch, Honey!

Saturday, I went up to Prescott to visit a friend and have lunch. It was nice to get away with friends for the day and leave Mike to watch the kids for most of the day. Oh, did I say Watch??? I guess I needed to emphasize the “Watch” part to Daddy! Let me explain…Brett was playing a baseball game and Daddy and Josh were there to cheer him on. Mike wanted to be a helpful Dad and decided to coach 3rd base for an inning. Of course, he assumed that someone would “Watch” Josh, because he had an important job at 3rd base to take care of. By the end of the inning, he went back to where he had left him and he wasn’t there….Surprise! Everyone pitched in to help the DAD find his 2 year old. Two moms found a lost little boy in the street next to the baseball field. Thankfully, Josh is OK and Daddy has learned (hopefully) how not to coach a baseball team when he is to “Watch” his 2 year old son!

1 comment:

Lisa said...

good luck on that "watching" thing!!! BTW--enjoyed you and SueAnn tremendously!