Friday, October 08, 2010

Walking Pneumonia

What is that? I guess I have it. I thought the little black cloud that was passing by while I was in a cast for 5 weeks was gone!! Last week I had a fever of 101,102 and 103!! I had ice packs on my face trying to get cooled down. What the heck was wrong with me?? I finally went to the doctor and they initially thought I had the flu. It never really acted like the flu, so I called back a couple days later and got some tests done and finally an anti-biotic!! I also had my chest X-rayed which confirmed the Pneumonia.

My fever finally went away after a week of craziness and lots of Tylenol. I swear I was waiting for that 5 hour mark ( somewhere between 4 to 6 hours per the directions) when I could dose up again because my fever would really never break. Today the doctor called and told me my Liver enzymes were elevated. They think it might be because of all the Tylenol I used. Anyway she said to stay away from Tylenol and Alcoholic products like NYQUIL. Hold on..I wait all year until I get sick so I can use my favorite medicine NyQuil. I don't have many vices but COME ON!! How the heck am I supposed to sleep with this wicked cough??

Trying to find the good side of this diagnosis - The constant coughing will get me in shape so I don't have to use my Abs of Steel video. And..That is it.


Anonymous said...

Geez Nicole!! you really can't catch a break!! Sorry to hear you've been sick.... If you're boys need a place to play (Amazing Jakes) I'd be happy to take them! :-) LP

Michelle Ashton said...

I feel your pain. I got sick TWICE over the summer with a bladder infection that turned into a kidney infection. I had crazy fevers like that that wouldn't ever completly go away. It's NOT fun at all. Hope your better soon.

By the way..... thanks for he pictures of my dad.

Kelli Brown said...

Oh man! So sorry to hear you were sick. I was gone and didn't even know you were out of commission. I would've at least brought you something delicious to eat like a big ice cold milk shake to help break your fever or a dish of golden spoon...

Glad you are feeling better.

Anonymous said...

We love the family pics....and the older pics of mom and dad and granny and gramps are amazing. Plus post more...and keep copies for us.