Sunday, April 01, 2007

Dinner Time

Why does everything crazy happen while you are trying to make dinner??? I think the kids secretly conspire and do crazy, naughty things so you will learn your lesson and NOT spend so much time cooking dinner! They know if they can get you frustrated enough, you will throw in the towel and put a pizza in the oven or go to their favorite fast food food restaurant (favorite being where the best toy is at the moment) so they don't have to eat their peas....Or maybe they are kids and this happens all the time, but I only get frustrated when I am trying to make dinner....
Oh yeah, he did get the green marker on three doors, two walls and one Josh :)


Anonymous said...

only Josh would look so cute covered in green marker. I hope it wasn't permenant! shay

Lisa said...

yeah--dinner time bites. big time.