Okay…so it has been awhile. I really do have a valid reason for not getting to the computer. I have been locked out of my den. I have also been locked out of the bathrooms and my bedroom once in a while. We have to protect our assets from a little Mischief Maker. That is right, my soon to be two year old. He holds us captive with his boundless energy and curious, quiet nature. I have decided that we have to hide all of our chairs too. He uses them as tools to get wherever he feels like it. Today he pushed a chair into the laundry room to get up on the washing machine so he can reach the detergent. Here is a sample of my Mischief Maker in Maction:
*Broke a lamp in two
*Tried to flush himself down the toilet
*Shattered the lid of the toilet tank by throwing it on the ground
*Launched mason jars of applesauce onto the kitchen tile
*Pulled keys off the computer keyboard
*Damaged the TV screen by tossing the remote from the couch to TV
*Used the laundry detergent like a sandbox
*Pulled all the floss out of the container while sitting in the sink with the water running
*Poured baby oil throughout the house while running away from me (I couldn’t catch him because I was slipping as I went
*Knocked the shredder over while it is full (this happened at least a dozen times)
*Dancing on my glass top kitchen table (another reason to get rid of my chairs)
*Spraying the kitchen with the Spray attachment
*Filling the bathtub and throwing my clothes and shoes in the tub to watch them get wet (this is his favorite, he does this every day)
Where is Mom you ask??? Pulling my hair out and cleaning up as he goes. Also I am looking into all day preschool so I can clean my house.